My Fish

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pirates and the Quest for the Island Of Grey Sand

August 2 1777: *BANG BANG*guns firing in the air at the Billy Bones Bar. The whole time in that bar the captains and crews just drink until everyone is drunk. After the captian left he just yelled “Lets go me mateys!” with a drunken style of stanse. The captain was infected with scurvy and had a very classy peg leg. All of the mateys went to the ship exept for the capin boy who asked the captian with a rebel voice “Captain Roger where we going? Do we have a heading?”

“Well cabin boy, one of the drunken crew members found a map to an island called Grey Sand.” Answered Captain Roger.

Cabin boy looks at the crew and asked “Which one?”

“Why you asken so many questions just get on the bloody ship.” Yelled Captain Roger.
The captain is a very good leader but when he’s drunk he is a pain in the… “SET SAIL” Yelled a random crew mate.

“Finally we are out to sea away from the bar. Did we forget anyone?” Asked the captain

“No we didn’t, Sir.” saidcrew mate

“That is not the response im looking for me mateys.”

“Why not?”

“Because of the Annoying one.”

“HEY EVERYONE! Hows it going? Is the rum good? Hey nice scarf.” Yelled the annoying one.

“Good god.” greft the captain.

“Hello Captain Roger sir, where are we heading? Some place good? A place full of rum? RAMBLE RAMBLE RAMBLE.”

While the annoying one is rambling the captain is desiding to ether kill him or kill himself. So he just put some corks in his ears and just ignored him. “OK me mateys it will take 5 months to get to this island.” Anounced Captain Roger.

November 2 1777.

“We quit!” yelled the drunken men.

“All we do is just wait and wait and we ran out of rum.”

“All we have is just fruit and we don’t like fruit we like rum!”

Captain Roger replied “Well why not just jump over board and get eated by the sharks?”

They replied with all them together saying “We will!” Then they just jumped off and they got eated by the white devils of the sea.

“Well there goes 15 members to the sharks.” Said the cabin boy.

“I but we still have 30 crew members we can do this.” Replied Captain Roger.

December 2 1777:

“Captain, CAPTAIN! I jumped over board and now. Im being eaten by paranas in this stange river we just got into!” Yelled Cabin boy.

“Well there goes another crew member why couldn’t it be the annoying one.” worried the Captain.

“Did someone say my name?” Replied the annoying one.

“No one asked you” Yelled the crew.

Following the pirates is the British and there plan to destroy the pirates. While the pirates are searching.

“Well we should go behind the island and shoot the cannons?” Planned the captain of the vessel.

“How about we just go aboard the vessel and capture the ship and crew?” asked British soldier two.

“I liked the captain’s idea because it is sneaky and it is strategy.” Answered the general.

January 1 1778: The crew is starving and the island is still not in sight. They just sigh and keep on looking until.

“Land ho! Off the port baw” Yelled the captain. The entire crew looked at the port baw and they saw the island with grey sand.

“We found it where is the rum ramble ramble ramble” the annoying one rambled.
*Ka Bang* the captain just fires his pistol straight into the annoying one’s head. Then the captain just replies “He was getting to annoying.”

As they were about to go to their dingy they say the British right behind the island with their cannons facing them. Last sounds they heard was the cannons firing and destroying their entire bodies.

After the British destroyed the pirates. The British went on the island and got killed by a mysterious force.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, you've created original and memorable characters. I notice that one of your writing goals is "Less dialogue" and I have to disagree. I think your characters really come alive with their dialogue. Keep using it!


Speak Essay

Imagine being in a high school where you are hated in your grade. Melinda has that problem in Speak. Her life is terrible. She got raped; she even lost all her friends at one party. This book is a tragedy and has two amazing characters: Melinda and Heather.

The reason of this book being a comedy is that the main character is not in control. This book is realistic. Also is that the main character starts out in normality freshmen. The conflict arose when Melinda got raped in the summer. Then she lost all her friends. She realized the conflict when she called the cops. The conflict is resolved when Melinda tells Rachel that she got raped at the party. Then at the end of the book her life becomes normal again.

Melinda is a hated girl from her friends. The reason of her friends hating her is that she crashed to party by calling the cops. Also the whole freshmen year hate her because of the party. The only friend she had was Heather. Heather used her so she can get to the popular group. Melinda was lonely until she became friends with Ivy again.

Heather is an interesting character; she just rants on about nothing. Sometimes she is annoying like on page 26 to 27 she rants on about pep rallies and other things that no one cares about. Also Heather is trying to find the right people but she just hangs out with the popular kids. Later in the book Heather leaves Melinda to hang out with a group. Heather was just using Melinda to get new friends.

If you were in Melinda’s shoes you will hate it then later have your old friends again. The point of this story is that high school is going to be torture for the freshmen.

The Tell-Tale Heart

Imagine being stared down on by an old man with a demented eye. Will you kill the man; or will you just ask him to put a patch over the evil eye? That is what the narrator did in “The Tale-Tell Heart”, he killed him. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is a fascinating story that is a tragedy with shady character; the narrator.

The reason why it is a tragedy because it starts out with it in conflict when the eye is destroying him on the inside until he can’t get enough. Also his rise to power is when he kills the old man and hides the body. His Tragic fall is when he lost his sanity and tells the cops where the body is hidden. He doesn’t die at the end but his sanity dies and he goes to insanity. This story could happen in real life but someone must be really terrified of just one eye.

The narrator is very questionable in this story. Reason why because it started out that he thinks that he is sane then went to insane. Most of the time the narrator is trying to get rid of the evil eye and trying to prove he is not insane. Unfortunately his urge of the eye wants him to kill the old man so he can be rid of the evil eye forever. After he killed the old man his gilt came to affect when the cops came and hears a dense heart beating sound.

Why did you kill the old man? He was a gentle man! Why did you kill him? This interesting short story is a very dark tragedy and has an uncertain character; the narrator. If you’re going to read a very dim tragedy, read Edgar Allen Poe’s stories.

Prisoners Taking Over Alcatraz

Alarm sirens are going off, the prisoners are taking over and all the officers are being held hostage. Except they forgot one, Alfred Yackatori.

Five hours ago. “Yackatori! In My office now!” yelled Sting. Sting is this strict, middle age man who looks a lot like the bass player Sting. But the difference between them is that Sting’s real name is Manny Norris. While Yackatori is this 24 year old man who is average in weight and height at about 6’5”. Lucky for Sting, Yackatori is the top man on the Alcatraz Search Party, prison riot stopper, and former Pewaukee Police Department (PPD) chief.

“You wanted to see me sir.” answered Yackatori.
“Yes I did, I want you to go see if any of the inmates are holding contraband weapon or drug related. I don’t care how you do it, I want to see something on my desk.” yelled Sting.
“Yes sir. Oh, don’t forget to play the bass while I’m gone. Ha ha ha ha.” Yackatori laughed as he walked out the door.
“Man I hate that inside joke.” Sting said to himself.
Yackatori was thinking of how to get the inmates out of their jail cell so he could check things out. Then it hit him, he made an excellent plan. He pressed the escape doors so the inmates can go out to get some air. After all the inmates were out of their cells, he started his search. After the search he just found a pack of cigarettes, a pocket knife, a bag full of leaves, and Smarties. “Ah nothing much here, only one thing to bring to the boss.” Yackatori sighed.
He grasped his walkie talkie. “Bring in the prisoners” Yackatori said to the person on channel 3.
“Roger that.” said the man on channel 3.
“I really didn’t get your name what is it?” questioned Yackatori
“Oh I forgot, let me introduce myself, I’m Bruce William.” replied Bruce.

Yackatori was not very excited after his search but Sting accepted the stuff he had found. Sting nodded and said “Ok, Yackatori I want you to stay overnight and watch the inmates.” Yackatori replied “So you want me to baby sit the inmates while they are sleeping?”
“Not really baby sit, you’ll be in the control room with Bruce. You hear me?” commanded Sting. “Yes sir.” answered Yackatori.

4 hours later. “Man this shift is stupid; all we do is monitor the inmate’s sleep.” complained Bruce. “Ha, try doing this for three to four years.” commented Yackatori.
“True, you know more than this newbie.” recommended Bruce.
“Hey do you want a Mountain Dew?” questioned Bruce.
“Yeah throw me one!” answered Yackatori.
“Hey how old are you Bruce?” questioned Yackatori.
“Well I’m…21.” answered Bruce.
“Sweet that is when I started working as a cop.” commented Yackatori.
“Well I’m going home I will come back on Friday; later.” sighed Bruce.
“Ok later I have to work 24/7 I’m jealous of you.” smiled Yackatori.
“I need some music; let’s see oh here we go some 80’s music.” Yackatori decided.
“Demolition Man? No. War Pigs? Yeah.” Yackatori nodded.

Before Yackatori played the song he pressed the escape doors and didn’t know about it.
“Generals gathered in their masses. Just like witches at black masses. Evil minds that plot destruction. Sorcerers of death's construction. In the fields the bodies burning. As the war machine keeps turning. Death and hatred to mankind. Poisoning their brainwashed minds. Oh lord yeah! (While he is listening to the song prisoners are taking over Alcatraz.) Politicians hide themselves away. They only started the war. Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor. Yeah! Time will tell on their power minds. Making war just for fun. Treating people just like pawns in chess. Wait 'til their judgment day comes. Yeah! Now in darkness world stops turning. Ashes where the bodies burning. No more war pigs have the power. Hand of God has struck the hour. Day of Judgment, God is calling. On their knees the war pigs crawling. Begging mercy for their sins. Satan laughing spreads his wings. Oh lord yeah!”
“Man I love that song.” smiled Yackatori. As Yackatori looked out the window he saw all the inmates out of their cells and tying up everyone. “Ah oh.” Yackatori gulped
“How am I going to get all of Alcatraz back in order?” Yackatori questioned himself. Yackatori grabbed his walkie talkie and calls in Sting
“Sting, Sting, you there man?” Yackatori yelled.
“Sorry Yackatori but Sting is not here now ha ha ha.” Laughed inmate one
“Who is this?” questioned Yackatori.
“You don’t remember? I’m the man you chased all over San Francisco, Jack, Jack Dew.” answered Jack. Jack is this cocky dude who never listens to the rules so he is in Alcatraz for life.

“Oh my god, now I remember.” commented Yackatori
“I can’t believe you accidently press the escape button to free us.” laughed Jack.
“So where are you, Yackatori.” asked Jack.
“Behind you.” Answered Yackatori

Then Yackatori throw a powerful punch to Jack. Jack laughed and pulled out a pocket knife. So did Yackatori.
“I’m glad I saved this thing,” said Yackatori.

All the inmates surrounded Jack and Yackatori. Jack charged at Yackatori but missed. After that charge Jack made. Yackatori turned and grabbed Jack’s arm and throws the pocket knives away.
“Let’s do this fist to fist.” subjected Yackatori.
“Deal” Jack nodded

Jack and Yackatori got to the center of the crowd and started to fist fight. Jack made the first throw but Yackatori blocked it and throw another powerful blow and nearly broke Jack’s jaw. Jack fell to the ground then came back up with a fist aimed right at Yackatori. Before He had a chance to throw it Yackatori just round house kick him. Then Yackatori grabbed his taser and tased, Jack until he gave up. After 30 seconds Jack gave up.
Yackatori yelled “Back in your cells now.”
Everyone went back to their cells and locked the cells.
“Well Yackatori, I’m retiring; I’m giving you my job as lead chief of Alcatraz.” said Sting
“Thanks Sting!” Yackatori excitedly yell.

5 months later. Yackatori is running thing good at Alcatraz and Bruce is following Yackatori’s footsteps. Bruce is now the leader of riot stoppers.

Jack died from an attack from fellow inmate five weeks after the takeover of Alcatraz.